TO RUN IN UNIX: (1) Check requirements for Warwick Game Design library (*) See physics/code/wgd-lib/README (2) Compile Warwick Game Design library (*) cd physics/code/wgd-lib (*) ./configure (*) make (3) Compile my project (*) cd physics/code (*) make WGDLIB=wgd-lib (4) Run physics executable (*) ./physics TO RUN IN WINDOWS: No idea; you're on your own I'm afraid. SIMULATION CONTROLS: Press 1-4 to add preset bodies to the simulation. Press 0 to add gravity. Hold Ctrl and click to add vertices to a polygon or create a new polygon. Hold Shift to change a circle's radius or create a new circle. Press c to create a random-sized circle at the cursor position. Press p to pause/unpause.